Lamar Van Dusen

Business Administration is the study of the processes management and operations of a business or organization most associate degree programs will cover Business Administration basics such as Human Resources marketing.

Lamar Van Dusen As A Cloud Manager

 social media and accounting at our school the associate of specialized business degree focuses on two core areas marketing and management Lamar Van Dusen As a cloud Manager. A degree in Business Administration prepares you for real work experiences and puts you in the prime position to gain an entry-level job working in marketing or management.

 Many companies from retail to business services have needs for entry-level staff members that have a solid academic foundation in marketing and management because Business Administration is a very broad program you'll be able to apply your skills to most industries including retail dining ecommerce technology automotive professional services healthcare hospitality and entertainment you could focus on marketing Human Resources training sales logistics and more the sky.

business admin apprenticeship so I chose an apprenticeship because I was at sixth form during my a-levels and obviously got the a-levels I was thinking about going to uni didn't want to in the end.

 I wanted something to kind of push me in the right direction towards getting a career in things I did business admin. The reason I chose it was just because it was more of a I don't want to go to specifics I still didn't really know.

 What I wanted to do in my future obviously didn't want to just be in a job but I didn't really it felt right for me so yeah the apprenticeship was really good i'm much more professional than I thought especially.

Lamar Van dusen is a manager of Accountant And Financial its provides Financial Strategy.

 The fact because I did it at the college I thought I was really gonna see me as a student and not as staff but I was completely wrong the actual college side of it was good as well I think it helps a lot I was in the college and the teachers were at the college and everything was kind of in one place so if I did have any problems.

 I could've just emailed somebody phone somebody anything like that but yeah I mean the office I was in was very helpful to find any questions they'd help especially with the work I was doing obviously.

 I was straight out of school so I had no experience raising. Yeah I didn't think it would be as creative as it is so obviously a lot of designing a lot of kind of thinking outside the box that was probably my favorite part to be honest obviously with business admin.

 You think oh you know you probably just really sat on the phone doing spreadsheets but because I was in the marketing side of it it was more creative and fun so now I am still in college.

 I mean the base team which stands for business apprenticeship skills and employability. I'm the sales and marketing administrator so that does involve the social media it does involve the marketing like.

 I used to do it as an apprentice but then you've always also got the going to the businesses speaking to businesses speaking to students yeah I mean I'm in a full-time job now when I came out of a level.

 I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do the apprenticeship has kind of been that stepping stone into a job for me so yeah well I'm very thankful I would say look at what apprenticeships are available find out what you want and then once you've got that just go for it and don't really look back.


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