Djerassi Artists Program | Artful Harvest - Djerassi

 Sunday, October seventeenth at the Djerassi farm, Woodside, California 

3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 

Southern Heartland Arts Inc. welcomes Georgia craftsmen to partake in its yearly fall show.

Artful Harvest: 

Craftsmen don't need to be part of an organization to take an interest. There is no charge for junior confirmations (under age 18). Artful Harvest Tickets $750 per person Money-related honors for every one of the three classes (2D, 3D and Photography) are $300 for the lead position, $150 for runner up, $50 for third spot, and one Best in Show at $500. 

All workmanship passages should be unique to the craftsman, and 2D craftsmanship should either be outlined or display wrapped (wired for hanging; no paw type holders will be acknowledged. 

The show is supported by long-term Southern Heartland Arts corporate support, United Bank. 

The outline, with subtleties and charges for the show might be downloaded at or got up at Heartland Art Gallery, 1132 Monticello Street, Covington GA. SHA is also glad to email the section structure. 

SHA, Inc has been facilitating craftsmanship shows since its origin during the 1980s. The Southern Heartland Art Festival, a yearly September occasion held at Salem Campground, was ultimately supplanted with our Artful Harvest Exhibition, presently held at Southern Heartland Gallery on the Square in Covington. 

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For a considerable lot of us, the expression "expressions and specialties" raises pictures of wood carvings, quilts, sew tea warmers and stylistic layout with rural pizazz. Those sorts of things will positively be in plain view at the carnival this end of the week. However, in the event that your preferences incline more towards the advanced or diverse, no reason to stress! In excess of 24,000 unique things will be available to be purchased, and the determination is assorted. There will be something for everybody. 

Producers from the country over are attracted to this family-claimed and - worked celebration, which makes stops in areas as far north as Sacramento, as far south as Del Mar in San Diego County and surprisingly out to Las Vegas. While it's in our neighborhood, nonetheless, it will likewise be a grandstand for long-time County makers. 

Radiant GOURDS:

On the more collect y end of the range is gourd craftsman Patricia Leslie of Camarillo, who's been into the vehicle for almost 20 years. 

"In 2002 I was at a very good quality art fair in Santa Monica," she reviews. 

She saw an enormous, excellent pot that she adored without hesitation — and was stunned to find that "it was so light!" 

It was a costly piece, yet she was unable to stand up to it. She's been snared from that point onward. 

In 2008, Leslie saw an advertisement in the paper for a neighborhood gourd club, and chose to join. "I've generally had an imaginative side." 

"Caribbean Sunset" by gourd craftsman Patricia Leslie, Photograph submitted: 

Gourds-as-material truly started her imagination, and in the wake of taking various classes and looking into the workmanship (she actually references The Complete Book of Gourd Carving, by Jim Widens and Ginger Summit) she began educating the classes herself. She has even sold a few pieces through an expression association, and today Patricia Leslie firsts can be found all through the United States and surprisingly in France. 

She used to source her gourds from a ranch in Arizona. After she put it in a terrace garden, she found that gourds began growing from the seeds eliminated during the cutting system. "Gourds went all over!" 

So she's had a great deal of unrefined substance to play with, and has done some astounding things: gourds unpredictably cut with mathematical shapes, painted with bright scenes, designed with fascinating embellishments. No two are similar, and most are immeasurably not quite the same as one another. 

"It's simply whatever strikes me at the time," says Lelie. "I'd see something in a magazine and say, 'gracious, I can do that on a gourd!'" 

Right now, she says, "I have gourds emerging from my ears." So she chose to get truly exacting with that experience by transforming broken bits of gourd into studs. She viewed them as shockingly reasonable as gems. 

"Gourds break in truly fascinating pieces," she clarifies. "[The earrings] are agreeable, incredibly light and exceptionally simple to wear." 

"It's simply been such a lot of fun, crushing up gourds!" 


Something that may speak to the more present day eye at the current year's celebration will be athletic apparel from California Cut. Super-delicate shirts and hoodies, sweet caps, even some cool sacks . . . assuming you need to incline toward the agreeable, easygoing, beachy SoCal vibe, this is the most ideal stall for you. 

Clark and Shonna Song of California Cut, with their manual screen print machine. Photograph submitted 

"We're going for the California beach front way of life," affirms Clark Song, who runs California Cut with spouse Shonna. 

The Songs search for the greatest, gentlest material for their clothing. However, it's simply the special plans made by Song that truly set these items apart. Mermaids, waves, sea life, surfboards . . . all with a vintage or Art Nouveau feel, and all honoring Ventura County. 

"I draw a lot of motivation from the sea climate here," notes Song, who lives in the Pierpont neighborhood of Ventura. "I think about my plans as affection letters to this lovely town." 

Melody's experience is in liveliness and enhanced visualizations, and he's chipped away at various motion pictures and computer games. His long and great resume remembers The Matrix Reloaded and Men for Black 3, and energized elements like Kung Fu Panda and Shrek the Third. 

"Being in the film business can be fun," Song says, "yet as a craftsman, you have restricted independence to make your own inventive vision." 

He and Shonna moved to Ventura in 2013, and began California Cut to help the family (counting two children, 11 and 7) both monetarily and imaginatively. It's a two-man activity, with Song taking care of the imaginative and creative end. The plans are on the whole his, and he does all the screen printing too, utilizing a manual press. 

"It's completely done in an exceptionally old-school way," he says. 

California Cut has attempted to be a local area centered on something beyond the plans. The Songs joyfully printed shirts with an extraordinary #VenturaStrong plans for a pledge drive following the Thomas Fire. 

"We helped raise a couple thousand dollars for the city," Song notes gladly. 

Moreover, he diverted his own tension over COVID-19 into making individual defensive gear. 

"During the pandemic, when the state previously shut down totally, I just did a profound jump into how to make a powerful facial covering." The Songs procured sheets of polypropylene, a similar material utilized in N95 covers, to make something almost identical. They parted with the greater part of the covers they made. 

"It was exceptionally helpful," he says. "It assisted me with adapting to the pressure of the pandemic." 

He's additionally got a great immunization-driven plan to flaunt at the current year's Harvest Festival — one of his beloved scenes to sell his attire. 

"This will be our third time joining in; we totally love it!" Song says. "It's an extremely university climate. The merchants have a ton of regard for each other; it's well disposed. Furthermore, the clients appear to be really intrigued." 

Something other than A STORE 

Shopping hand tailored things is obviously a significant feature, however the Harvest Festival guarantees something other than merchants. 

Concessionaires will offer an assortment of rewards to appreciate nearby, while forte food purveyors will have edible treats (jams, salsas, honey items and that's just the beginning) you can buy for presents or devour at home. A few creators will hold exhibitions, and walking performers will keep crowds engaged. There will be a region only for youngsters, and challenges occurring consistently. 

Assuming you need to set aside a little cash and backing a decent motivation, bring a canned useful gift. Project Understanding, which offers food, lodging and coaching help to those out of luck, will get the given things; the benefactor will save $2 off the cost of confirmation. 

It ought to be a strong three days of good, clean, family-accommodating fun. Find carefully assembled fortes, visit with specialists, and spend your cash on inventive business visionaries as opposed to enormous boxing retailers — an abundant gathering, to be sure!


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